

  • Return+
  •  10/06/2014  •   Cruising Regattas

Ten boats will take part in the Vuelta a Mallorca A3

The departure of the Vuelta a Mallorca A3 will be given this next Friday, 13th of June at 12:00 hours with ten boats on the starting line.

The basic rules of this regatta is to be three crew members on board and to sail around mallorca (150 miles) non stop. The way to sail around the island will be decided just a few hours before the start depending on the weather forecast.

Two Match, of Eduardo Horrach, won the first edition of the Round Mallorca Regatta in 2012 with strong weather conditions. Petrouchka won last year and will try to revalidate his victory this year once more. The other competitors are: KS, of Matías Gil; Fehurihi, of Carlos Ros; Histolab, of José Juan Torres; Sa Menuda, of Toni Cerdá; Micanga, of Mateo Grimalt; Sevens, of Pepe Cernuda; Pinyol Vermell, of Félix Comas; Tris Tras Nou, of Bernardino Fiol; and Gandumbas, of Antonio Roses.


-Jueves, 12 de junio
De 12 a 20 horas: Confirmación de inscripción entrega de instrucciones

-Viernes 13 de junio
09.30 horas: Reunión de patrones y breefing meteorológico
12.00 horas: Señal de atención

-Domingo 15 de junio
21.00 horas: Cena y entrega de premios